After the IP addresses, IPv4 Inventors Feeling Guilty

SYDNEY - Vint Cerf, one of the first to make the internet by connecting a computer to use your Internet Protocol (IP), felt guilty about 4.3 billion IP addresses that he has made is now almost gone.

Vint Cerf, says if all it is his fault that he made in 1977. The reason, he reasoned, when he found his first web-only trial and error. Similarly, as quoted by The Straights Times, Friday (01/21/2011).

"At first it was an experiment. And I think if the amount of 4.3 billion IP addresses that will be enough for an experiment," said Cerf, who now serves as vice-president at Google.

"Who knows how many IP addresses needed by the world?" Cerf added.

In 1977, Vincent Cerf create web IPv4 protocol, which connects the global computer as an experiment when he worked at the U.S. Defense Departmen.

Cerf said that he would never have guessed before that his experiment was not going to stop. Cerf also said that if the IP address of the world's quota will be exhausted within the next few weeks.

Your IP address is a unique number that is on every computer and other devices that connect to the Internet. Massive amount of devices connected to the internet today, making the IP address dwindling rations.

To solve this problem, an internet protocol that has been updated, IPv6, is being planned by the industry, which will make trillions of new IP addresses.


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