Israel Ever Plough Internet Egypt?

Photo : Ilustration
LONDON - Israel's intelligence agency, Mossad, is considered responsible for the termination of Internet connection  in Egypt two years ago.

This was stated from a recognition of a businessman named Tareq Abdul Razzaq Hassan, who was arrested on spy case.

Egyptian internet service break in December 2008 and submarine data cable damage, caused by a ship anchor was blamed for the incident. Similarly, as quoted from TechEye, Tuesday (12/28/2010).

When Tareq Abdul Razzaq Hassan questioned by police about a spy case involving himself, he replied that Israeli intelligence was responsible for the incident.

Recognition is disclosed in an Egyptian newspaper, also admitted that Hassan received the money to recruit spies in Siriah and Egypt.

Recently, Israel associated with Stuxnet, a powerful computer worm that caused serious damage to Iran's nuclear program.

This is quite surprising, considering that Israel and Egypt along enough in the year 2008. Egypt is one Arab country with a fairly neutral diplomatic policy.

However, the Israelis simply 'naughty' at that time following the collapse of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

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