This is the Main Enemy Hacker Wikileaks

Wikileaks repeatedly reported to have attacks of the hackers who do not like the post-its news on the site. Wikileaks considered dangerous to the United States (U.S.) for leaking a diplomatic document Uncle Sam's country.
One of the hackers who claims to have crippled the site Wikileaks is the owner of the Twitter account @ th3j35t3r (Jester). Thus was launched Hufftingtonpost on Monday (6/12/2010).
Who Jester? in the bio on Twitter account he claims he is a 'Hacktivist'. Is that post claims about the attack on Wikileaks.Jester post a series of tweets on Sundays ago and claimed it was he who made down. He also plans to make Wikileaks remains down without time limit.
In addition, FoxNews has also been reported that the Jester, who allegedly is Hacker U.S. citizenship, is the person responsible for attacks on Islamic sites, especially sites with content about jihad.
Since last year Jester built its reputation in the technology community as cybervigilante site targeting Al Qaeda and other jihadist sites. He stated that one of the known target is Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Motivation Jester WikiLeaks allegedly targeted because he considered that the site was established Jullian Assange is to try to endanger the lives of U.S. troops and other U.S. assets.
"For me personally WL (WikiLeaks-red) is the target side. I am more interested in Jihad website," Jester wrote.


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